See Finished Assessments

See Finished Assessments

Judges and other family law professionals can use the links below to examine various family law systems and possible improvements.

100 Highest-Scoring Counties/Parishes
See the scores and assessments of the 100 highest-scoring jurisdictions in the 12 participating countries.

Highest-Scoring States/Provinces
See a list of the highest-scoring states/provinces in the 12 participating countries.

Scores and Assessments within Each State/Province
Choose a state/province and look up the scores and assessments within it.

Reports and Assessments from Specific Counties/Parishes
Choose a particular county/parish to see its past scores and assessments.

Compare Two Counties/Parishes
Compare the assessments of any two family law systems.

Recent Improvements in Jurisdictions
See a list of recent improvements cited within assessments of jurisdictions.

Retrieve Your Own Assessments
Use this link to receive an email of past assessments you have completed

More information on developing better family law systems is available on A Brief Introduction to a Cooperative System of Family Law and its Expression in, including its link to a 30-minute explanatory videostream.